Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The 3 Deadly Turn offs For Women
The 3 Deadly Turn offs For Women
There are 3 turnoffs for women you could do that will totally and absolutely RUIN your possibilities with any and ALL girls.

Even if you look like Channing Tatum, have a body like Thor, and croon like Bieber, doing any one of these 3 fatal sins will immediately and completely make you one of the untouchables. Even if you are captivating, amusing, and mange to open up the woman and have an enjoyable chat, showing even a trace of any one of these fatal sins will definitely make all your efforts worthless.

Girls like to chat. Additionally, they love to discuss guys. And when they discuss guys, the discussion undoubtedly becomes a full blast men-bashing session. Girls have a lengthy checklist of qualities, attributes, and traits that they DISLIKE in guys. It's a wonder that the human race is able to propagate if you pay attention in on some of these sessions.

There are numerous little things that guys do that annoy the heck out of girls. These are little peculiarities that they live with and endure. There are 3 major concepts that are fatal sins, however. These 3 things are identified as fatal sins since they're total deal breakers and will definitely ELIMINATE your chances with girls, particularly beautiful girls.

1) Surrendering your status/pride for her attention and approval.

Have you ever in your life fell in love with a woman so hard that you would be prepared to do anything to get with her? Including acting like somebody you're not, or even worse, swallowing your ego because she would like you to? You believed this will help increase your possibilities with the woman or get the woman to like you a bit more. You figured the woman would recognize and appreciate your efforts on her behalf, even to the point of debasing your value.

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM THE HONEST TRUTH! Girls, particularly beautiful girls, that have lots of chumps like you at her beck and call, will certainly not appreciate your efforts to debase yourself to please her. She'll simply take you for granted and expect you to continuously please her. Sadly, her attraction level to you will never ever reach critical mass.

Girls positively despise it, either knowingly or unconsciously, when a guy does something to demonstrate that he'll give away his power and ego for her approval. This action basically reduces a guy's value, and as we know, precisely what attracts a girl to a guy is his regarded value. If you decrease your value for anything, even for her, you will as a matter of fact decrease her attraction level to you.

2) Acting desperate, clingy, and insecure.

It's Biology: when an organism clings to a different organism because it needs something, it is called parasitism. The clinger is called a parasite and the clingee is called the host. Naturally, this is not a mutually advantageous partnership and the host denies the parasite.

The exact same thing occurs in the male-female interaction. If a guy clings to a girl emotionally and acts desperate, the girl will naturally deny that parasite. Have you ever before had a girl cling to you? It is very much like stalking and it is frightening. This is lack of self-confidence at its worst, and we also know that girls are drawn to guys with SELF-CONFIDENCE.

If you eventually secure a date with that hottie you are hopelessly in love with, will you let her from your sight for 2 mins? Will you let her roam off and speak with her guy friends? Won't you be unsure and apprehensive and desperately seek her approval?

Congrats, you just totally turned her off and you will NEVER, EVER get a 2nd opportunity.

3) Attempting to get her to lead

"What do you want to do?".

"Where do you want to eat?".

"Where do you want to go?".

Girls typically will not attempt to lead, so if you attempt to follow somebody that does not lead, the interaction is doomed to fail. Worse, this following mindset comes from a general absence of self-confidence and insecurity. If a guy cannot lead, exactly how can he support his wife and kids?

Girls will instantly smell your insecurity and refuse you if you can not take the interaction by the reins and manage the situation as a guy. Besides, many girls would like to be spoiled and led by a guy in control, a man of high value and self-confidence.

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